What is a Hackathon?
Hackathons are events where students with an interest in STEM come together to collaborate on innovative projects, learn new skills from various workshops, and network with peers in a weekend full of coding and collaboration.
Key Information
Our hackathons are two-day events, starting from the morning of one day to the evening of the next. Food and drinks will be provided.
Teams: Team size can be anywhere between 1-4 people, where every member must be within the age requirements of the event. Participants can either sign up as a full team, sign up by themselves and be added to a random team, or sign up as a partial team and get added with others.
Materials: All you're going to need to bring are:
A laptop and a charger
Any other items that could be useful for your project
That's it!
Food, water, and snacks will be provided for you, so you don't have to worry about that. Drinks can be purchased at vending machines at the center.
Theme: During the opening ceremony, a theme will be introduced to all participants. All groups must create a project that solves a problem related to the theme. More information about this will be provided during the hackathon.
Workshops: During the competition period, there will be a multitude of educational workshops, talks from industry experts, and other fun games. Despite this being optional, participants are encouraged to attend and take advantage of all resources given to them. Some workshops may be very useful for your final submission.
Submissions: All submissions will be made online on Devpost, where groups can add written descriptions, images, videos, and any other info about their project. Only one submission per group is permitted.
Presentations: After submissions, participants will also create a small, 3 to 5-minute presentation showcasing their projects to the judges in a science fair-type format. Groups will be expected to explain their project, what problem it solves and how it solves it, and any other features they would like to add. They will also be expected to answer any questions judges have in the end. The 6 finalists will then be chosen out of all the projects, who will present a longer and more in-depth explanation of their project.
​Judging/Scoring: After all groups have presented in the first round, judges will rank groups from a set of criteria (will be given during event). After 6 finalists are chosen, the process will be repeated but will be more subjective (dependent on what the judges think about the projects). The teams with the highest scores will be given prizes. More information about this will be provided during the hackathon.
Our 2025 Spring Hackathon will be on March 29th and 30th, Saturday and Sunday at Digipen Institute of Technology (9931 Willows Rd NE, Redmond, WA 98052).
​2024 Summer Hackathon Schedule:

Highest scored project receives a grand total of
Third highest scored project receives a grand total of
Second highest scored project receives a grand total of
There is a $75 prize for 3 runner-ups and $50 for honorable mentions, awarded to 6 teams, along with additional awards from sponsors!
No cheating/plagiarizing: copying others' work in any sense will leading to disqualification. Getting help is fine, but completely copying code and submitting others' work as your own is considered cheating.
Be respectful: Whether it's staff, competitors, or your teammates, everyone's there to collaborate and learn new things. Verbal and physical abuse will not be tolerated.
Treat all given resources with care: The venue is not our own, and therefore must be treated with care. Please do not mess with anything you don't know how to use request help if truly necessary. Make sure to not leave a mess with any food and drinks provided as well.
Ask for help: If you have any questions regarding your code, policies, or quite literally anything, please ask! We're trying our best to provide the best experience possible, and our team would be more than happy to help you.
Have fun! Hackathons are great opportunities to meet new people, make connections, and enjoy the many cool events laid out for you. Don't let these opportunities go to waste!